Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A visit from Kanye

So I'm laying in bed last night watching TV and chatting with a couple of friends when I start to feel myself dozing off. I can't really breathe all that well due to allergies and I'm concerned that my snoring will keep my friends up.

So I get out of bed and walk over to my closet to get some tissue to blow my nose and when I get into my closet, I see Kanye West trying to hang up his white leather jacket on my last hanger.

I'm amazed that he's still wearing his sun glasses this late at night. I mean really Kanye, it's pretty dark in my closet...

He says something somewhat incomprehensible. I realize that there isn't anything to blow my nose on in my closet and decide to go back to bed.

After I lay down, I notice that Kanye has followed me and is standing over me next to the bed. He's got the hanger out of the closet and looks pissed.

I say, "Damnit Kanye, I know I'm dreaming and you aren't real. Get the fuck out of here and let me sleep!"

That's when Kanye does a hop 360 degree turn and starts swinging the hanger at my face.

I put my arms up to block the barrage of hanger strikes and I start to kick at his face...

I wake up with my left leg in the air and my bed shaking from the kicking and thrashing...

Damn you Kanye, I think this time was a draw...